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Resources for Student Workers

You can find schedules, job assignments, and other information here.

Reasons for Dismissal

Working in the Library is intended to be a part of your academic experience, with opportunities for learning and growth.  With that in mind, your supervisor(s) will be a resource and partner in this endeavor!  Remember that it is always easier to address problems before they escalate into offenses that require dismissal.  

The behaviors listed below may start the dismissal process:

  1. Unexcused absences
  2. Repeatedly leaving work before the end of your shift, unless arrangements have been made with a supervisor.
  3. Showing disregard for Library rules and policies.
  4. Disrespectful treatment of library staff, coworkers, and/or library patrons.

If you:

  1.  deliberately falsify time sheets or
  2.  violate Library confidentiality rules,

you may be subject to immediate dismissal, bypassing the procedure outlined below.


Dismissal Procedure

  1. 1st offense - oral warning
  2. 2nd offense - formal written warning and probationary status.  Probation shall be for a fixed length of time and will require specific behavior from the employee on probation.  Upon satisfactory completion of probationary requirements, the employee's status shall be returned to the state before the infraction.
  3. Further offenses may result in dismissal at the discretion of the supervisor.