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Resources for Student Workers

You can find schedules, job assignments, and other information here.


  1. Scheduled shifts are typically no longer than 2 hours.
  2. Shifts can not overlap with in-person classes, or online classes that require synchronous attendance.
  3. When you sign up for a shift, please be sure you can work those hours consistently.  We rely on you to work your scheduled hours.
  4. Sign in and out using your LibStaffer account.  LibStaffer  can also be used to swap shifts, pick up additional hours, and communicate with your supervisor.  (You can find more details about this on the LibStaffer page of this guide.)


  1.  We realize that there are situations where you must take time off.  Be sure to let staff know when you cannot come to work.
  2. If the absence is planned, notify your supervisor at least 48 hours before the shift in question.
  3. If a sudden legitimate conflict should arise preventing you from working during your scheduled shift, notify your supervisor* as soon as possible.

*if your supervisor is not available, please call (607) 778-5020 and leave a message with the person on duty, email, or post on the wall in LibStaffer.


Making Up Missed Shifts

when you miss a shift due to a personal conflict, illness, or college holiday/closure, we will do our best to reschedule your hours.  However, this may be dependent on several factors, including you class schedule, job duties, and funding sources.