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Access Services

A centralized repository of procedures and instructions for workers at the circulation desk.

Who is a Community User?

Community users are typically residents of Broome County.  To obtain a library card - which is necessary to borrow books OR to use our computers - they must present a photo ID with a local address.

  • If you are asked why: SUNY Broome Community College is supported by the taxpayers of Broome County.  Because of this, county residents have some access to the library's services and materials.

In some cases, SUNY Broome alumni and retired staff/faculty may be given community user cards.

Visitors from outside the county/service region who are not connected with the college have access to the building and spaces, but are not able to borrow materials or use the computers.  At a librarian's discretion, one-time access to a computer MAY be permitted (for example, someone needing to print a bus ticket, job application, tax form, etc).  If you think this may be appropriate, please call a librarian.

When a Community Member Asks for a Card:

  1. Ask to see their photo ID.
  2. Give the patron a Guest User form.  These are located in the "Community User Procedures and Forms" binder on the circulation desk.  Explain the basic policies and privileges, and give them a chance to look over the details.
  3. While they are filling out and signing the back of the form, you can start entering the information from their ID in Alma (instructions for that process are in the next box below).
  4. When they are finished, ask the patron if they would like a copy of the form.
    1. If they say YES:
      1. use the copier in the back room to copy the back of the form only (where they've signed).
      2. Give the patron the original.
      3. Hole-punch the copy and put it in the "Filled Forms" section of the binder.
    2. If they say NO:
      1. Hole-punch and file the original completed form in the "Filled Forms" section of the binder.

Creating a Card and Community User Record in Alma

Community user library cards are in a small blue basket, on the shelf under the center computer terminal on the circulation desk.

community user library card

The barcodes are in the back of the Procedure and Forms binder.  Stick the larger barcode in the larger bottom space on the card.  The duplicate card number - without the barcode - should be attached to the form in the "Office Use" section. 

  1. Select the "Register New User" on the Patron Identification screen (Fulfillment → Manage Patron Services).
  2. On the next screen, you will see a list of fields.  The fields with red asterisks are required fields.
    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Primary identifier (library barcode)
    4. User group
    5. Expiration date - enter a date 3 YEARS from current date
    6. Email
    7. Address
    8. Phone number
  3. Click "Update User" (top right of the screen) when you are finished.  Alternatively, if you scan the primary identifier/library card barcode LAST, this will act as a "hard save" and automatically finish the record creation process -- assuming you have entered all the required information.
  4. Have patron sign their completed card in the narrow top box. 

Renewing Community User Cards

Community user cards expire after 3 years of non-use.  Any time they check something out - including the library computer guest login - these 3 years reset.

NOTE: AS OF AUGUST 1, 2023, ALL COMMUNITY USERS MUST SIGN A NEW USER FORM.  A pop-up window will alert you to this when you scan their card.  In this case, please follow the procedure in the front of the "Community User Procedures and Forms" binder.  You DO NOT need to to issue a new card.