The library circulates laptops, calculators, smart pens, C-pens, wireless headphones, webcams, and Wacom drawing tablets as a service to students and staff. Because these items can be expensive to replace, there are additional steps to checking them out!
- Laptop checkout requires a referral from a success coach. A list of current referrals is printed and on a clipboard at the circulation desk. If the student's name is not on the list, and they say that they have already met with their coach, check the circulation email account - forms are sent there when the coaches submit them.
- Borrowers must read and sign a new Borrower Agreement form for these items every academic year. Be sure to tell them that this form applies to ALL tech they may borrow, not just the item they currently need.
- When you open a patron's record in Alma, a pop-up message will appear IF THEY HAVE SIGNED A TECH BORROWER FORM.
*If you see that the form was signed during the current academic year, please do NOT have the patron sign another one!
You can remind them that they have already agreed to the rules and responsibilities, but we don't need more signed copies of the same form.
- If that note is not present, the patron will need to read and sign Borrower Agreement form. You can either print the form from the link, or see if there are some in the binder at the Circulation Desk.
- Once the form is signed, add a note to the patron's record. To do this:
- Open the patron's record.
- Click "Manage Notes" in the User Notes box.
- On the next screen, which should be the Notes tab of the User Details page, click "Add Note" on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Note text: signed [academic year, ie, 2024-25] tech borrower agreement
- Type: Click the drop-down arrow and select "Circulation."'
- Select the boxes next to "User Viewable" and "Pop-up" .(This means the student will be able to see this note if they log into their library account in Primo - on the public side of the library catalog, and that the note will pop up whenever staff open their record in Alma.)
- Click on the "Add and Close" button.
- Click on the "Save" button at the top right of the screen, You should be returned to the activity page for the patron (where you can check things out), and the note you just entered should be visible.
- Put the filled form in the Access Services Librarian's mailbox.