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Physical Education & Sport Studies

A subject-level introduction to library research in topics related to physical education and sports studies. Course-specific guides are nested on the left-hand side of the page.

Professional Organizations

Other reputable websites

Weblogs linked to reputable schools and organizations can be a source of useful information on these topics.  Here are some that have been reviewed by librarians:

General Fitness topics

Medline: Health and Fitness - A wide range of information on exercise and physical fitness topics from the National Library of Medicine.

Exercise Library - a "comprehensive library of exercise and anatomy info, including core, full body, and stretching exercises" from  Healthline claims their material is reviewed by "experts," but finding out exactly who these experts are and what makes them experts is difficult - use your own discretion when consulting or including information from this site.

Plyometrics - from Harvard Health Publishing/Harvard Medical School.  This is targeted more at the general public, but contains a clear introduction and some basic exercises.

15 Plyometric Exercises - from Self Magazine, again targeted at the general public, but with excellent descriptions and illustrative videos.