Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Basic statistics from CDC publications, links to more data and related resources.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS): Collects state-specific data on maternal attitudes and experiences before, during, and shortly after pregnancy. Researchers can request the PRAMS Analytic Research File through the CDC.
Office on Women's Health
Health Information Gateway
Create custom tables at the state and county level using health indicators related to demographics, mortality, natality, reproductive health, violence, prevention, disease and mental health. View the Women's Health and Mortality Chartbook, which provides state profiles of women's health, and the Health Disparities Profile which also gives state level indicators.
EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
Data from this survey addresses the prevalence of violence against women in EU countries and the consequences of that violence for the women involved.
Kaiser Family Foundation
Women's Health Care Policy
Collection of reports and fact sheets, many with statistical information.