Bureau of Labor Statistics
Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities
This program from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides data on illnesses and injuries on the job and data on worker fatalities.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Injury Data and Resources
Gateway to national level injury data including data on injury resulting in deaths, hospitalizations, visits to emergency departments, and self-reported medically attended episodes.
WISQARS or Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System
An interactive database system that provides customized reports of injury-related mortality data and nonfatal injury data.
National Safety Council
Injury Facts
A complete reference source for safety statistics. It presents the most current occupational, motor vehicle, home, community, state, and international injury statistics on deaths, nonfatal injuries and their costs.
National Safety Council website
Fact sheets and some limited statistics are reported on the NSC website. News from studies are reported.
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Electronic Injury Surveillance System
National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) is a national probability sample of hospitals in the U.S. and its territories. Patient information is collected from each NEISS hospital for every emergency visit involving an injury associated with consumer products. From this sample, the total number of product-related injuries treated in hospital emergency rooms nationwide can be estimated. This web access to NEISS allows certain estimates to be retrieved on-line.
Department of Energy
Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource
A public-use repository of data from occupational and environmental health studies of workers at DOE facilities and nearby community residents.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Data & Statistics
Provides surveillance reports, facts sheets, and other statistics for disease-specific surveillance including respiratory disease, traumatic injury, pesticide, and mining data.
Work-Related Injury Statistics Query System or Work-RISQS
A web-based public access query system for obtaining national estimates (number of cases) and rates (number of cases per hours worked) for nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments. Users may interactively query based on demographic characteristics, nature of injury/illness, and incident circumstances.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Statistics and Data
Provides inspection data.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Electronic Injury Surveillance System
CPSC’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) is a national probability sample of hospitals in the U.S. and its territories. Patient information is collected from each NEISS hospital for every emergency visit involving an injury associated with consumer products. From this sample, the total number of product-related injuries treated in hospital emergency rooms nationwide can be estimated. This web access to NEISS allows certain estimates to be retrieved on-line.