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MUS 113 Sec. 01 - Cazenovia Convention Project - (for O'Connell) Fall 2022

Library research guide.

Cazenovia Convention

Welcome to the Library!

Your course has a very exciting project this semester! You will be researching, and presenting, a living history re-creation of the Cazenovia Convention. For this event your class will be using The Gallery @ SUNY Broome. The Gallery is located on the first floor of the Library.

How to Contact Us

Book a Librarian


For librarians, email us - in subject line put: MUS 113

  • Paul Bond
  • Dana Curtin
  • Noah Roth
  • Erin Wilburn


Gallery Assistant: Robin Valashinas

  • will help you with The Gallery @ SUNY Broome
  • email:
  • in email subject line put: MUS 113

Librarians and Gallery Assistant Here to Help You!



Paul BondDana CurtinRobin Petrus

Noah RothRobin ValashinasErin Wilburn    


(Top Row) Paul Bond, Dana Curtin, Robin Petrus (Library Director)

(Bottom Row) Noah Roth, Robin Valashinas (Gallery Assistant), Erin Wilburn