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Quick Tips:

Library home page (

  • Books: Search for books on the “books/media” tab.  Books that you can check out of the library are on the second floor of the library.
  • Articles: Search for articles on the “articles” tab.  (If you are off-campus, it will ask you for your MyCollege login information.)
  • Interlibrary loan: If we don’t have the book or article you need, we will borrow it from another library for you.  For free.  Books can take up to a week to get here; articles take 2-3 days.
  • Help:

Avoiding Crap on the web: The C.R.A.P. Test

  • Currency: When was it written?  Is the information up to date?
  • Reliability: Where did the author(s) get their information?
  • Authority: Who is the author? What are their credentials?
  • Purpose: Is the author trying to sell you something?