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DEN 213W: Community Dental Health

A resource guide for the DEN213W writing assignment

Evidence-Based Research

American Dental Association’s Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry

  • Clinical practice guidelines

PubMed   Search engine for medical and dental literature

Suggested Search Limits:

  • English language
  • Published in last 5 years
  • Article Types: Meta-Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trials

Cochrane Library  Systematic Articles published in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.  Cochrane contains many articles that are NOT free.  DO NOT PAY FOR THEM! Copy and past the article title and author into the library's discovery tool to locate open source versions OR interlibrary loan the article for FREE!

Suggested Search Limits for Cochrane:

  • Select topic 'Dentistry and Oral Health' 
  • Published in last 5 years
  • Cochrane is already limited to the Systematic Article type. 

A-Z list of Journals  

To link to full-text articles in our databases, or check availability in our print holdings.

SUNY Broome Peer-Reviewed Journals for Dental Hygiene/Dentistry

Journals available in SUNY Broome databases


  • Check the box for "EBM Reviews"  under the search options, or limit your search to Publication Type "Meta-Analysis" CTRL+"Randomized Contolled Trial"

CINAHL    Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature

  • Limit your search to Publication Type  "Meta-Analysis" CTRL+ "Randomized Contolled Trial"

Grading System Based on Strength of Recommendation

Levels of evidence. (2009). Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice, 9(1): A5-A8.


Guide information compiled by Karen Pitcher.


How to read a scientific article