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Physical Therapist Assistant

This guide lists various library and online resources relevant to Physical Therapist Assistant courses.

Find Articles in Library Databases

Schmidt, R. A. (1975). A schema theory of discrete motor skill learning. Psychological Review, 82(4), 225-260. doi:10.1037/h0076770

  • Schmidt’s seminal article on Schema Theory is available in PsycArticles

Search "motor learning AND schema" in the Articles tab on the Quick Search box.

  • Many of the articles have full-text available. Click on Available Online to link to a database for full-text of the article. If we do not have a print subscription or full-text, you can request the article from another library via Interlibrary loan. You will need to set up an ILLIad account the first time you request an item.

MLA/APA Styles

Try using the citation tools in our databases to generate MLA or APA style citations for articles. In Academic Search Complete, click on the title of the article on your search results list. The “Cite” button is located in the list of Tools on the right side of the page. For more information on MLA and APA citation styles, see: