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Clinical Laboratory Technology

A guide to library and information resources for the CLT program


  • The online catalog provides a listing of all books and media owned by the library.
  • You can search the catalog via the Books/Media tab on the SUNY Broome Library website 
  • Most books about clinical laboratory technology are located in the “QR,” "RB," and "RM" sections of the reference and circulating collections.

Reference books are located on the first floor and are helpful for locating short answers to specific questions.

Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology  [Ref QR67 .B37 2017]
Fischbach's Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests [Ref RB38.2 .M36 2018]
Koneman's Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology  [Ref QR67 .C64 2017]
Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference 12th ed. [Ref RB38.2 .P337 2015]
